Board of Supervisors

The Board of Supervisors is the governing body of the county, establishing goals and objectives to direct the county's growth and development, and carries out other responsibilities as set forth by Mississippi statutes. Supervisors are elected from each of the five districts in the county to serve a four-year term.  The Board oversees county operations and enacts ordinances and resolutions to promote the health, safety, and welfare of citizens and businesses in the county, and approves the annual budget and millage rate which funds the operations of the offices and departments under the Board's jurisdiction.

The Supervisors of Jasper County are as follows:

Board use

Contact Information:

P O Box 406
Bay Springs, MS 39422
Phone: 601-764-3469
Fax: 601-764-3468

Board Meetings

The Board of Supervisors meets on the first and third Mondays of each month in the Board Meeting Room at the courthouse. If a regular scheduled meeting falls on a holiday, the Board meets on the next working day following the holiday. The Board also schedules additional meetings as they deem necessary to handle pertinent County business and in the case of emergencies.  All meetings begin at 9:00 AM, unless otherwise announced, and with the exception of those provided for in the Code of Mississippi are open for public inspection. Those exceptions are most commonly personnel issues and economic development issues.
If you wish to appear before the Board of Supervisors to discuss an important matter pertaining to the county, you must contact the Chancery Clerk to be on the agenda at least one week prior to the board meeting.

Board Attorney

The Board Attorney is appointed by the Board of Supervisors. The following outlines the board attorney’s duties and responsibilities.
With the complexity of today’s county government, the board attorney is a critical appointment for the board of supervisors. It is essential that the board attorney provide sound legal advice to the board of supervisors in all matters concerning the county and county operations. It is also critical for the board of supervisors to follow the advice given by the board attorney. Since a wide variety of legal issues surround the normal activity of county government, the board attorney gives advice to assist in keeping the board of supervisors within the confines of the law when the board makes decisions.
The board attorney’s duties consist of a wide range of activities including:
  • Attending meetings of the board of supervisors
  • Drafting minutes
  • Represent the board of supervisors in:
    • All civil cases of county interest
    • Eminent domain proceedings
    • The examination and certification of title to property the county may be acquiring
    • Any criminal suit against a county officer for malfeasance, where the county may be financially liable.
  • Answering legal inquiries from board members, other county officials, and citizens
  • Researching land records
  • Drafting board order
  • Obtaining Attorney General’s opinions
  • Acquisition of road and bridge right of ways
  • Voting rights submissions
  • Reviewing and drafting of contracts
  • Drafting local and private legislation
  • Bond work
  • An array of litigation
Ricky use

William "Ricky" Ruffin, Esq.

Contact Information:
P.O. Box 565
Bay Springs, MS 39422
(601) 765-4555 phone
(601) 764-3468 fax